Our Art Exchange With Students in Japan

How do you describe the feeling of teaching a class that is willing to try something new, but the results are totally unexpected… but wonderful?  I had a lump in my throat while I captured the memories in my classroom today.  I admit to being a bit emotional every now and then, but isn’t that a good thing?

We’ve been so fortunate to take part in an art exchange with a class of grade 2 students in Osaka, Japan!  The wonderful people at Know My World helped to connect my class of grade 12 students and these wonderful students, allowing us to enjoy such a rich learning opportunity.

Today we opened our parcel from our new little friends, and my students were so impressed with the quality of our crafted gifts.  The grade 2 students had dedicated so much craftsmanship and care into their gifts to us —  we were touched and humbled by their thoughtfulness.

While watching the video below, you may hear some comments that expose just how much we learned today…

I have a  sneaky feeling that my students will want to send an extra note (or two) of thanks to the students in Osaka in the very near future! 🙂  We would really like to thank each and every student who participated in our art exchange.  You created some wonderful work that really made a lasting impression on our school.  Good for you!

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3 Responses to Our Art Exchange With Students in Japan

  1. Lisa Petro says:

    Beautiful work and so happy you all enjoyed this exchange!

  2. I know you prob have tons of followers, but wanted to include you in my nominations!

    Thanks to allurzdesign.wordpress.com for my AWARD nomination. GEEEEZ! It took me forever to continue the award going…So sorry! But here goes…


    The Liebster Award is an award for blogs with less than 200 followers. The Liebster award was originated in Germany and quickly spread out. Liebster means favorite or dearest. You can be nominated by a blogger that thinks you blog is good and useful. I think this is a supercool award!

    Post eleven fun facts about yourself
    Answer the questions from the blogger that nominated you and make eleven questions for the bloggers you’re going to nominate.
    Nominate eleven bloggers and link them in your post. You can’t tag back!
    Let them know on their blog.

    Eleven facts about me:
    I love God.
    I believe in Jesus.
    I love my husband (he’s so hot!).
    I am a mom.
    I am a teacher.
    I love art.
    Painting is my favorite thing to do.
    I do not eat donuts.
    Clouds are amazing to me.
    I blog to get things out sometimes.

    The questions I was asked by the person who nominated me:

    Do you have any phobias? Not that I know of???
    Do you suffer from OCD? Only when it comes to hygiene.
    Your biggest lessons so far? Don’t tell God you have plans! –duhh!
    If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it? Take care of a lot of people. Further the Kingdom of GOD
    What do you do for fun? ART
    Are you a morning or night person? BOTH
    Can you define love in your own way? being UNSELFISH
    If one song were to describe your life, what song would it be? MY WISH by Rascal Flatts
    What are the three most important things in your life? God, Family and Friends
    Have you ever fired a gun? Yep
    If you were stuck on an island and could take one thing what would it be? BIBLE

    MY NOMINATIONS: (I only have ten! Ug! Sorry again!)

    My Boss http://scotwright.wordpress.com/ (PLEASE GO FOLLOW HIS BLOG!)
    The Fifth Sparrow http://thefifthsparrow.wordpress.com/ (sweet blog)
    Candy Coated Reality http://candycoatedreality.com/ (has over 1000 followers but had to list it: LOVE IT!)
    Parenting Tips http://waynejacobs.wordpress.com/ (I’m sure has more than 200 followers but HAD to include this one.)
    The Christ Centered Shepherd http://christcenteredshepherd.wordpress.com/ (nice!)
    MAZE A DAY http://mazeaday.wordpress.com/ (not sure if they have more than 200 followers??)
    Northern Art Teacher https://northernartteacher.wordpress.com/ ( ART!!! )
    Jesus is my Joy http://jesusmyjoy.wordpress.com/ (simply said)
    Year 27 http://www.year27.com (AWESOME MISSION PROJECT)
    Life Through My Lens http://relatedwordsforhappy.wordpress.com/ (neat ideas!)

    ELEVEN questions to my nominations:

    Why do you blog?
    How did you start blogging?
    What did your favorite teacher do to become that for you?
    What is your best subject?
    What is your NO BRAINER activity?
    Do you chill to music more than once a week?
    What’s the last thing you created?
    Define PEACE in your own words.
    What is your favorite season?
    Coffee or Tea?
    Do you chew gum?

  3. Pingback: This Week in Ontario Edublogs « doug – off the record

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