Can Art Make a Difference?

I sure hope so.

This year, I’m using my art to raise funds for two hospitals in the region. It’s my way of doing something with my gift to help others.

It’s also a way to remember Aggie.

Maybe this could be my take on form vs. function. I’ve never really been the kind of artist to create “art for art’s sake”. I just express how I feel through my art, and landscapes are the best way I can do this.

I’ve often thought about how cool it would be to be avant-garde, edgy, cerebral but it isn’t me.

When I go hiking, I feel connected with nature. If there is a “Mother Nature”, I feel like she gets me. It’s a bit like the love of a pet – they accept you and love you deeply for all that you are. But being in nature is taking it on a deeper level – like you’re part of something bigger so everything you feel is interconnected. Does that make sense?

That’s why I create. It’s my way to connect with something bigger than myself; something that understands me. Some people feel like it’s a form of meditation and I wouldn’t disagree. If you’ve watched Soul, you’ll understand what I mean.

So I choose to use all these good vibes to give back to my community.

I’m eternally grateful for the amazing health care we have in our region. We’re not close to any really large cities – Thunder Bay is the largest city in the area, and the population is about 120 000. Other than that, we’re a mix of much smaller communities that aren’t usually above a few thousand.

And yet, we have such caring and dedicated health care professionals that are there for us when we need them.

When Aggie transitioned into palliative care at the Nipigon Hospital, I was so grateful for the welcoming and warm environment filled with furniture and food that made it feel like a home for Aggie and her family. If there’s a way I can provide more funds to help them buy whatever they need for anyone else who needs to stay with a loved one in the hospital, that would be something I could be proud of.

Head to my website or send me an email: if you’d like to buy a print.

We’ll do some good together.




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