Come and Visit Me in My Studio

*cue the cheesy commercial intro from somewhere in ’80s TV history

Colleen casually turns around and acts surprised to see a film crew in her face and begins to talk to the world on the other side of the lens

“Oh hello there! I was just tidying my studio and getting ready for my day as an artist. Let’s see what we’re going to do today!”

Now I’m imagining a variety of little fun segments, a little mix of Mr. Dressup and Romper Room. Because why not? They made me happy when I was a kid so I’m pretty sure they’d make me happy now. Watch the clips I’ve linked. I guarantee they’ll make you happy too. (do it)

There’s something really important about remembering our childhood selves. Because who we were is still inside. Sounds weird, but it’s really true. And we still need to feel excitement, wonder and love. These are not sappy and childish things. We need them to remember that life is beautiful.

Just because we’ve grown our physical bodies doesn’t mean we have to be dragged down by the things that drain us. I’m saying this out loud because I’ve been drained lately. Officially bummed out. I’m dealing with some health challenges that have left me stressed, sometimes in pain, sometimes sleepless… sometimes life just sucks.

The list of things that kind-of suck gets too long for my liking. Am I sticking to my budget? Do I need to book another appointment? Do I know what meals are ahead for the week? Will I have the energy to do the chores around the house or will I need to ask for help? How are my kids doing? Will they be able to talk through their problems with me? …etc., etc. …

You know what’s also weird about being a kid? We couldn’t wait to grow up!


It’s true! We looked up to the kids who were older than us and wanted to be like them. They were so much cooler than us, weren’t they? My elementary school had two levels to it – grades 1, 2 and 3 were on the first floor and grades 4 through 7 were on the upper level (we didn’t have grade 8 – we were bussed to Red Rock from Dorion that year). When my friends and I were in grade 3, we couldn’t wait to be in grade 4 because then we’d be in “high school”. Weren’t we clever? Get it? “High” school? Kid humour.

But that’s the thing. We were little, things were simple and we took joy in stupid things.

So take a break from being an adult. Even if it’s just for a few seconds ok?

You were awkward. Your clothes were cringy. Your Mom cut your hair. So what?

“Welcome to my studio, boys and girls! Today, I will be packing up prints of my paintings and sending them in the mail! Isn’t that exciting? It sure is! I love sending out packages to people because it makes them so happy. Do you like to send mail? Do you write letters to people? It’s fun, and it always makes them smile. What would you say in your letter?”

Can you guess where this came from?

Today, do me a favour. I know your adult list is long. But it’ll always be long.

Schedule 5 minutes to do something for your childhood self. They’re inside you and they’re looking for something kind-of cool. Maybe something stupid, because stupid is funny. They like a good laugh.

Set a timer. Kids like timers.

I’m getting ready to carve pumpkins with my kids who are 16 and 18. Because they still need to feel like kids too. And it makes me super happy. I need some happiness and so do they – and so do you.


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1 Response to Come and Visit Me in My Studio

  1. Pingback: This Week in Ontario Edublogs – doug — off the record

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