Playing With Green Screen (…finally!)

You know that moment when something drastic needs to happen in order to make you get up off your butt & do what you need to do?  Example:  inviting someone over for a visit, which will bring on a cleaning spree.

For years, I have wanted to learn about using a green screen.  I’ve seen amazing creations from Tricia Fuglestad’s classroom as well as many others, but I didn’t have any iPads in my school that I could work on.  Last year, as part of my group’s TLLP project, we were able to purchase two iPads!  No more excuses now…

But still, I was nervous.  And hesitant.  Something had to be done.

Enter #BIT15.

This year, I’m volunteering at Bring IT Together… at a GREEN SCREEN booth!  Thank goodness that I’m working with some great people who are helping to make it happen, but I certainly don’t want to show up lacking the skills I’ll need.  So, over the last few weeks, I’ve been riding a steep learning curve — with some of my students to help me out!



We didn’t have a green screen, so we started to search for other options.  We found something that would work in a pinch:  green bulletin board paper!  After a bit of fiddling, we opted for a slightly darker shade of green and we were on our way…



I was so impressed with my student’s courage when he was willing to make this next video with me:



Now, it was time for me to study.  I found this next video so helpful as I learned the basics of using green screen with my Do Ink app:



Today, I made this video with the help of my daughter:



I’d like to say that this video was easy for me to complete, but I would be telling a big fib.  It took hours to figure everything out:  what I wanted to say, to take the videos, to get the footage for the background, to join the shorter segments of video together (using iMovie on the iPad is much different than using the desktop version!), to add the background images at the proper time in the video, and to add the animation on top of the video!

I’ve discovered how grateful I am for guidance whenever I am learning something new.  It’s like being lost and disoriented in the woods — only to have someone show up, give you a hug and guide you where you need to be.  To those who helped:  thank you!

OK, #BIT15:  time to BRING IT!!

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1 Response to Playing With Green Screen (…finally!)

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